Reasons to Choose Honeycomb Backed Architectural Decorative Panels for Marble Lift Interiors

Reasons to Choose Honeycomb Backed Architectural Decorative Panels for Marble Lift Interiors

There are several good reasons why honeycomb backed architectural decorative panels are the perfect solution for marble lift interiors. Here are some of them.

Marble Lift Interiors

Cladding your lifts’ interiors with marble doubtlessly transforms them into incredibly beautiful, timelessly elegant spaces. Unfortunately, natural marble is not only heavy but also somewhat brittle, fragile and inflexible in terms of design freedom. It is also comparatively expensive.

Building load and budget limitations can subsequently prohibit use of solid stone panels altogether. Even where use is possible, their natural brittleness/fragility means they are highly susceptible to damages (cracking, chipping, etc.) during shipping and installation, which can further increase expenses.

Architectural Decorative Panels with Aluminium Honeycomb Backing

Created by bonding a thin sheet (3 to 5 mm) of marble veneer to aluminium backing panels and an aluminium honeycomb core, our decorative architectural panels are the perfect solution for marble lift car interiors because they are:

Lightweight – Considerably lighter than solid stone, honeycomb backed marble panels can be used in areas where weight restrictions may make use of solid stone impossible.

Strong – The flexural strength provided by the aluminium backing significantly increases panels’ impact resistance making them less susceptible to accidental damage.

Durable & Safe – The backing process also provides the panels with improved corrosion, moisture and fire resistance (all independently tested to UK/ASTM standards), making them more durable and safer to use in building projects.

Cost-Effective – Using marble veneer instead of solid stone panels reduces the cost of raw materials both in financial and environmental terms. Quick and easy to perform, installation is also less labour intensive, which further reduces the overall cost of a project.

Versatile – Suitable for exterior and interior applications, panels are available in an extensive range of marbles, as well as granites, limestone and onyx. Combined with their strength, light weight and ease of installation, this provides architects/designers with much greater design freedom.


Preserving natural marble’s beauty while reducing the exploitation of natural resources and overcoming the inherent properties/characteristics of natural stone (fragility, heaviness, etc.), honeycomb backed marble panels for lift interiors are more cost-effective, stronger, more durable and safer than solid marble panels.

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Call us on 0203 292 0616, drop us a line at: sa***@li**************.uk or use our online contact form today to learn more about our products and/or discuss your requirements with a member of our team.